Yoga Biz Champ with Michael Jay

Crushing Studio Financial Anxiety with Nina Israel

Michael Jay Season 3 Episode 11

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Welcome to the latest episode of Yoga Biz Camp! In this installment, Michael Jay has the pleasure of interviewing Nina Israel, a certified business coach and founder of Taryn Financial. With over 25 years of experience empowering small business owners and entrepreneurs, Nina has helped countless individuals improve their cash flow management, operational efficiency, and overall financial wellness.

During the interview, Michael and Nina dive into the details of her holistic approach to financial coaching. By combining her expertise in business strategy and financial planning with her passion for physical fitness, Nina has developed a unique and highly effective methodology for helping her clients achieve their financial goals.

As Nina shares her personal story of how fitness saved her life, listeners gain insight into her deep understanding of the connection between physical, mental, and emotional health. According to Nina, improving physical strength can have a profound impact on one's mental and emotional well-being, and this insight has informed her approach to financial coaching.

For yoga studio owners and those considering opening a studio, this episode is especially relevant. Nina offers valuable advice on how to manage your studio's finances effectively and provides guidance on how to understand the key numbers that can make or break your business.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn from one of the best in the business. Tune in to this episode of Yoga Biz Camp and start your journey towards financial wellness today!

Connect with Nina  Nina on Instagram
(DM her for  year 30% off of quickbooks)



Michael Jay - Yoga Biz Champ 

Michael Jay, the Yoga Biz Champ, stands as the go-to Yoga Business Consultant, embarked on a mission to elevate yoga studios from mere survival to genuine thriving.

With a rich background as a yoga teacher, former studio owner, marketing expert, and yoga studio business coach, he possesses the insider knowledge necessary to elevate your yoga venture to new heights.

His passion for yoga, combined with a sharp business acumen and a sincere desire to see studio owners excel, encapsulates his professional ethos. Michael is not one to offer one-size-fits-all advice; instead, he's dedicated to providing tailored guidance, tangible outcomes, and supporting your studio to emerge as the next Yoga Biz Champ in your community. 

  • Certified Yoga Biz Consultant • 
  • FitTech Partner •
  • Yoga Studio Launch & Growth Specialist


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Michael Jay: About me. I got shit, but what I do have is I have a little thing from your website. Nina uses a holistic approach. That thing. Yes. Yeah. Perfect. We are recording. Yes. Welcome Nina to Yoga Biz Camp. We have talked about this for ever and I finally got you on here and I feel lately this podcast has turned out into me hanging out with my friends.

Michael Jay: Yay. I'm a friend. Big time. Big time. 

Nina: That's the best part. That's the best part. 

Michael Jay: Thank you. Hey everyone. This is Nina from Taryn Financial. She is a certified business coach. She is in my world. We got, we were in the whole, oh, you were actually one of the instructors in my certification course. I just realized that.

Michael Jay: And you had the worst homework. You stressed us out so much. We were like, [00:01:00] I remember having meetings with. Everybody behind the scenes trying to sort out our homework. What the hell is she doing? It was like one of those trick question homeworks. It was terrible. I'm a 

Nina: mean math teacher. No. Terrible.

Nina: Why? Because I was teaching you how to 

Michael Jay: fish, people. Let me just read from your website, Nina. Nina uses a holistic approach to your financial well being. Nina has been empowering small business owners and entrepreneurs to better manage their cash flow, improve efficiency, and increase their financial wellness for over 25 years.

Michael Jay: From garbage bags filled with receipts, yes, literally, I know that one, to absolutely no receipts. She has heard it all, seen it all, and she's not scared of your books. She knows that it's never as bad as you think. She has saved her clients. Thousands of dollars and more importantly counts as a wasted time.

Michael Jay: She's nodding right now. Your numbers are key to managing the success of your business and your personal finance. Nina will not only give you control of all your numbers, but she will also help you understand what they actually mean. [00:02:00] You will always know where you stand financially and you will feel empowered to make sound money decisions.

Michael Jay: Your financial resiliency will soar. Little rocket emoji. Hi, Nina. Hi. Welcome. 

Nina: Thank you. Thank you for being here. 

Michael Jay: I'm so happy to have you here. It took us about 20 minutes to get on with technical difficulties today, but we made it. Not your fault, technology. I'm super happy to have you here. Nina, you.

Michael Jay: You speak the real folks language when it comes to numbers and I can you tell me a little bit about a little bit about your journey to how you got to where you are now? And why are you in the fitness industry and serving the people that you do? 

Nina: So basically short answer fitness saved my life.

Nina: Okay, so I will devote my life to helping [00:03:00] Everyone in the fitness 

Michael Jay: industry. Do you feel like expanding on that or you want to keep it as a we keep history? 

Nina: No it was I will tell you I will tell you but I'm dating myself. So just be prepared Went through a very dark period in my life about 20 years ago and felt very lost.

Nina: And I remember specifically not having control of my mind, not having control of my emotions and thinking to myself, I do have control of my body. And I walked into a gym and I walked up to a Stairmaster. And I remember step 30 minutes doop. And I felt a little better. And I went back and I went back next thing, I am in step class and I'm doing the moves and I am in boxing.

Nina: I am in yoga. Oh, my love. And then I'm training for a triathlon and it just kept getting better and better and better fitness [00:04:00] saved my life. It, as soon as I started gaining that physical strength, the mental strength started coming back and the emotional strength started 

Michael Jay: coming back. And I feel that, I think anybody that goes to a yoga or any yoga studio owner listening or potential studio owner listening it's you, it's that feeling that you leave with, it's really, it doesn't matter actually which one you're doing, but if you're leaving feeling better that's the whole goal. 

Nina: It is because it just went to every part of my life. I would be looking at my closet and I know it doesn't look like now, but I would be trying to think of what do I wear today and I get stressed out.

Nina: And then I'd be like, breathe. And I do my deep breathing from yoga. And next thing all is okay in the world. 

Michael Jay: So that's your why. What's your journey? What's the number what's the number journey? What's the... 

Nina: The number journey is I was that [00:05:00] weird kid that was really freaky good in math.

Nina: So I didn't have a lot of friends. But as I got older, it just always came naturally to me. So that's... That just basically transformed into I'll be an accountant. So finance and accounting was what I studied. It was every job I ever had. And then I was really good at streamlining anything financial.

Nina: So I would go in and just be able to take a 40 hour a week job and. Take it down to four hours and what I did is after fitness saved my life, I said, you know what? I want to work in fitness. So the way I got in was I applied for the numbers position, but because I was able to streamline it, I always had this free time.

Nina: So I was like, Hey, let me help you out. So I would help out with management operations, janitorial, yes and teaching and started teaching [00:06:00] group classes. Love that. But noticed that some people needed a little more attention. So I got certified to do personal training so I could help people. I did not know 

Michael Jay: that.

Nina: Yes. Yeah, so I was like loving it. I was this jack of all trades and I was doing events and having a good time and it was great. And then several years ago, we moved to Portland. And I got my first job, not in the fitness industry in 15, 17 years. And, oh my, I was so stressed. It was horrible because I got that 40 hour a week job down to four hours.

Nina: So by Monday at 12, I was done. And there was no way I, there was nowhere to go to have that second job, that third job, like there was. That was it. Second part, worked for a psycho, never fun. [00:07:00] I was very nervous every 

Michael Jay: day. I've been there. I've been there. I've walked out. 

Nina: So the love of my life looked at me and said you need to quit this job.

Nina: And I was like, what am I going to do? He goes, And he was like, I don't understand. He goes, you're so good. You always get it down to four hours. He goes, why aren't you helping like 10 companies? I said, how do you do that? And he goes, it's called I was like, Oh, so that took me to the mind body certified business coach certified business consultant program and the rest 

Michael Jay: is history.

Michael Jay: And tell me about your first client experience. 

Nina: My first client in the industry, 

Michael Jay: tell me about 

Nina: that. My first client in the industry. Is still my client. 

Michael Jay: Ah, that's a good sign. You're blushing right now. I love her. 

Nina: I love her. I love her. I love [00:08:00] her. The journey that it's taken has just been absolutely incredible.

Nina: I know that it, for her, it took her a long time to decide to work with me because there was a lot of emotion surrounding how she felt about money. There was but once she did, bam, can we talk 

Michael Jay: about that? Can we talk about that emotion surrounding around money? Because I work with mostly yoga studio owners 90 percent female and I quite often feel, I just want, I feel like there's a shyness of them to stand in on their own two feet and say, This is my business.

Michael Jay: This is what my expectations are. But then also with that financial that it's okay for me to goals and personal, and personal goals. So 

Nina: can you tell [00:09:00] that I just want to explode? Okay, so it's more than that. Here's the thing. There's three parts to it. There is the emotion of money. There's definitely the emotion of money.

Nina: But there's also the psychology of money, which is very different. And then the third part is the practicality of money. And unless you are able to get your arms around all three parts and understand all three and how they work, In you, with you, for you, that's, it's always going to trip you up. With the emotions, so many people feel fear when it comes to money.

Nina: Intimidation when it comes to money. Shame is a big one that I see. Where people feel they, they don't deserve. To have money and then you also have the psychology of money and the psychology of money. Yes, absolutely. Starts when your children, people will, your relationship with money starts to [00:10:00] develop when you are like five to seven years old.

Nina: And that is something that you carry with you. But here's the thing. It's not just that. There are an infinite number of factors that go into your psychology with money, including what the job market was like when you graduated high school, what the economy was like when you were trying to buy a house, when you got married, why you got married, like every, you can take any situation and it can have a good implication or a bad implication when It's to money and it all affects you.

Nina: Psychology is psychologically. So what happens is that everybody has a completely different journey with money. And then what happens is when you get to the practicality of money, of how to manage your money, one size does not fit all. Because of the other two factors. [00:11:00] So it's understanding how they all work together basically empowers you when it comes to finance.

Michael Jay: Yeah. So tell me, how do you help your clients with that? 

Nina: We work on all three. Because 

Michael Jay: it's not just about spreadsheets money, right? It is not. I always say, I gotta have a t shirt made, it's not all about the damn KPIs. They're a big part. 

Nina: But they are. And I'm going to keep cutting you off because 

Michael Jay: I'm I want you to, I want you to, I want to hear what you have to say.

Michael Jay: There 

Nina: is no time for manners here. 

Michael Jay: Go. We're straightforward here. 

Nina: You're absolutely right. It's all not, it's not all about the KPIs because all the KPIs are levers. In your business, they are just telling you which switches to fix. And the thing is your KPIs are tied directly to your goals. So your goal is to grow your business, open up a second location.

Nina: You have one set of [00:12:00] KPIs. You're working towards something very different. But if your goal is to maybe sell your studio in two years, completely different KPIs. Completely different 

Michael Jay: goals. Yeah, because the second one's all about profit. It is. And yeah, it's a, it's let's talk about examples of, some studios can start up really scrappy, right?

Michael Jay: Not a lot of money and build a really profitable, I have a studio that's 4, 000 all in on it. That's it. That's all their expenses. It's a small operation, but it's a profitable business. And then you can have someone that's done a million dollar build out and be making 5, 000 a month in profit.

Michael Jay: Or no profit, right? And there's a mindset around that, right? You can go big or you can go small. But it really, if you're in the [00:13:00] selling part, it comes down to the profit part. 

Nina: It does. It does. And what people need to understand is that bigger is not necessarily better. Yes. 

Michael Jay: And it comes with big complications too.

Michael Jay: And 

Nina: I'm actually going to backtrack. I'm going to backtrack and I'm going to challenge because no, it's not all about the profitability. Okay. No go. It is about sustainability. Yeah. And there's a difference. Yeah. So sustainability means that your business. is profitable. Yeah. That profit is showing up as cash in your bank account on a regular basis for an extended period of time and you don't have to be in the building.

Nina: Yeah. 

Michael Jay: That's. Yeah. Yeah. The two, two, two together work very nicely. 

Nina: That's the goal. That's 

Michael Jay: the goal. Yeah. You're you're building a program. Yes. So tell me a little bit about your program and I want to [00:14:00] know specifically, for the yoga studio owner or potential owner of what problem you're Cause your program solves.

Nina: So overall, number one, I want to decrease financial anxiety and financial stress for everybody. And the way to do that is to gain financial control because as soon as financial control goes up anxiety. So what this program does is help studio owners create an authentic financial process. For themselves and for their business.

Nina: Okay. 

Michael Jay: So it's not just, this is not just studio finances. This is about personal as well 

Nina: as right. This is about money. So a lot of the concepts that we have, that we are touching upon in the course within the community, those can [00:15:00] all be transferred to your personal life as well. And so many of the business owners have done that.

Nina: And it's awesome. And what we do is we basically wrap our arms around the money mindsets, cash, financial reporting, KPIs, and budgeting and forecasting, and there is a difference between budgeting and forecasting. So it's touching on all of those areas. 

Michael Jay: Yeah. So tell me about the program because the format, I really, you told me a little bit before about the format of how you're going to run this.

Nina: Yes. So it is basically grown from the work I've done with a ton of business owners. One on one. Once I started seeing that we were tackling the same things over and over again, I said, okay, I need to work faster and work with more people because the goal is to help 2000 business owners achieve this financial control.[00:16:00] 

Nina: And I can tell you why. So from there. We moved it to the group coaching program and it was awesome. It worked. It was amazing. And this community formed and people were helping people and it was 

Michael Jay: phenomenal. There's community support. 

Nina: It, yes. The community support, they had access to me. It was wonderful.

Nina: And everyone was making beautiful progress. So at that point, the course was about four weeks long and then everybody would go on their way. And the ones who had the greatest success. Are the ones that have the accountability and support after the program. Yeah. So now what I am doing is providing that, that additional support and accountability.

Nina: The program is becoming one where you work at your own pace. You go as quickly or as slowly as you need to knowing you have the support. There to get to the next level. 

Michael Jay: So it's not, everybody has to start on one [00:17:00] day. 

Nina: You go, that's the thing. We, your money story is unique. Yeah. So your program is your, you is unique to you.

Nina: You choose your own adventure because depending on what's going on, what your priorities are, what the goals are will help you know where to go. 

Michael Jay: Yeah, tell me more about your clients. Tell me about who your clients are, like what type of people they are. My, 

Nina: my people are awesome because I don't work with assholes.

Nina: Me too, actually.

Nina: Oh, I don't know, I don't know. My. My, my people are empowered, strong women. Yeah. They are savvy. They are savvy. And what is awesome is watching the confidence. That develops as we work together [00:18:00] and having them come and tell me what is going on financially in their business. Having them come over, come to me and say, yeah, I noticed this, and I did this, and this happened.

Nina: And then boom, it is watching. It is teaching people how to fish and then watching them. Succeed and become huge successes. Hint, hint, eww. 

Michael Jay: Yeah, that's amazing. Hold on, I'm just having a little, we'll have to cut this, I'm just having a little brain. Just trying to think about the next thing to talk about.

Michael Jay: Anything you want to cover? About the course that you think might entice?

Nina: You, what I do want to say. Don't talk 

Michael Jay: about the buckets. 

Nina: Hold on, I don't want to talk about buckets because I don't know what you're talking about yet, but here's what I do want to say. For your new studio owners. And your potential studio owners, I will tell you from 

Michael Jay: [00:19:00] experience. Do you want to just start this from scratch?

Michael Jay: Oh! Yeah. 

Nina: Okay, so you want to ask me one piece of advice? Yeah. 

Michael Jay: So Nina, a lot of my, I'm opening several new studios right now. So I really love to pick your brain a little bit. What you, what do you think a new? studio owner needs to be looking at right from scratch, right from day one, their opening, what's the, other than the retention num, the class numbers and things like that.

Michael Jay: What advice do you give them? 

Nina: What I would love to say to every new studio owner is the sooner you wrap your arms around the financial aspect of your business, the quicker you will reach Your financial goals the books, the numbers, understanding them. It's something that's very easy to get pushed aside because you're busy.

Nina: There's excitement. You want people in [00:20:00] the door. You're focused on revenue, as you should be for a new business. Absolutely. But if you can wrap your arms. Around your financials earlier, guarantee you will be more successful quicker because Oh, I lost my train of thought there. Okay.

Nina: That's 

Michael Jay: okay. We can cut it's okay. We every time we do that, we just take a break. It gives me a space to edit. Like I just splice it and then yeah, it's no biggie. Okay. Yeah. Okay. 

Nina: Or it gives you a spike of me going. Yes, because You and I both know that at some point you will need those financial numbers.

Nina: You will, I guarantee you, you will. And it's up to you if you let them kick you in the ass down the road kind of thing. I 

Michael Jay: agree with you starting out because honestly every new studio, when they start with my packages, they get a spread, a KPI spreadsheet, like they right away, you've got a, you've got a KPI [00:21:00] spreadsheet because the data.

Michael Jay: It tells you everything. We always say that the data doesn't lie, right? Unless your numbers are really screwed up which can happen or your categories are not set up properly or but yeah, the data doesn't really lie, but it gives you strategies. It gives you information to make decisions, right?

Michael Jay: Informed 

Nina: decisions. Yeah. 

Michael Jay: Not reactive, 

Nina: proactive, but it's also, you're going to know things in your gut. You will. But it is so nice when your gut is backed by data because it is 

Michael Jay: yes. Yeah. I have some studio owners that the studio feels successful. But then you go into the numbers, it's Oh,

Michael Jay: It can feel like a good vibe, but you're giving everything away for free. 

Nina: Or I have seen where the numbers look beautiful and the studio owner [00:22:00] is look up my numbers. Look how well we're doing. And I'll look and I'll say, you're not paying yourself. Oh no. 

Michael Jay: Yeah. Let's talk about that. Self worth and paying ourselves for the studio owner.

Michael Jay: Yes. Go. 

Nina: Day one. Day one, baby. Day one. 

Michael Jay: Okay. So they should pay themselves. Should they pay themselves for their classes? 

Nina: If they are working in their business. Yeah. They need to pay themselves a fair market wage for everything they are doing in their business from day one. So if they are teaching, you pay yourself as a teacher.

Nina: If you are cleaning, you pay yourself as the janitorial staff. If you are marketing, managing, yeah, and you track it. I have one studio where cash wise, cash flow wise, we may not have need. To cover all of those positions yet, but we are tracking it because the goal is [00:23:00] that down the road, your business will pay you back for all of those hours.

Nina: So you track it, set it up as a loan where you have it aside with the full intent that you pay yourself back one day. 

Michael Jay: Yeah, I have some studio owners putting their wage. So if they've done big build out put in that wage to pay for pay back to the build out as well. It's just for tax purposes. 

Nina: Yes, absolutely.

Nina: Absolutely. Because managing debt is another aspect of wrapping your arms around your numbers. And there's strategies for that as well. 

Michael Jay: We've got the new owners paying themselves. What about the existing studio owner that, let's say, I say, I come across some coasters. It's coasters. 

Nina: Like under my glasses.

Michael Jay: [00:24:00] I don't know what that means. Just what is that? Just coasting. Just got a very relaxed vibe about running the business, not really paying attention. Paying themselves just enough to pay their rent or their mortgage at the end of the month. But not really having a growth mindset. But then, quite often then they like things change and they get more of a growth mindset.

Michael Jay: So what would you tell those to be looking at as opposed differently to the 

Nina: So number one is my first question would be, what's the goal? So if they were just coasting, cruising, relaxing and that was the goal. Cause I have some studio owners where basically they just need the studio to pay for itself.

Nina: To break even, cover their salary, but they don't need to make a profit off of it because they have other investments and stuff where they're making their money. So for tax purposes at this time, [00:25:00] they're just floating and there's nothing wrong with that because that's the goal. That's the goal.

Nina: They love it. They love what they do. 

Michael Jay: And a relaxed, balanced life. 

Nina: Exactly. Exactly. So when the switch flips, and you are getting into that growth mindset, okay, did the goal change? So what is the goal? Is the goal that you need an influx of cash because of something that's happened on a personal level? Is the goal that, as we said, that you're going to sell that studio in a year?

Nina: Is the goal? It depends on the goal, because the goal will dictate the strategy. Yeah. The strategy should never dictate the goal.

Michael Jay: Good one, Nina. 

Nina: Thank you. I wouldn't Hashtag, smart sometimes. 

Michael Jay: Smart all the time. You keep it really real with your, like you're friends with Stephanie as well and myself[00:26:00] I think we're I think we're in the kind of the keep it real kind of gang. 

Nina: It's, it is in my bones.

Nina: It is my bones because you know what? Here's the thing. I want to say, what year was this? Gosh, 2004. And I was sitting with. My boss at the time, a very successful gentleman very successful gentleman. And I analyzed the numbers of his business and yeah, they were shit. So I had to sit down and he was like, Oh, I'm very successful, and I had to look at him and I looked at him. I said, do you want me to be honest? Because everyone around this guy, like basically brown notes. And I said, do you want like my full honesty? I said, cause quite frankly, this is your wallet and my job is to protect your wallet. And he was like, yeah, be honest.

Nina: I said, okay, just so you know, I'm fully prepared to lose my job [00:27:00] at the end of this conversation. Here it goes. Yeah. And I was completely honest. I was nervous as all get out and completely honest and. Ever since that day, I have taken the approach that I am there to protect your wallet, your bank account.

Nina: And I am not going to beep with you when it 

Michael Jay: comes. I just had a an interesting first time experience where. It helped the studio close, which is unexpected. It was, it's the first time I've gone through that. But I think my frank honesty helped helped them make the decision.

Michael Jay: Most beautiful people. They had the best intentions hadn't been open for very long at all, but, didn't know. What they didn't know. And and after a one, one, I signed a client that day thinking I was going to help them rescue the business. And then the next conversation is based on the conversation I'd had, they realized that [00:28:00] they missed two of the kids swim meets on the meeting on the weekend, and they just.

Michael Jay: From the conversation, they realized their priorities and what effort it would take. And so I immediately canceled their, contract, but then I helped them close easily. But it's it's, I think my frank discussion was like, this is going to take, this is a whole new thing.

Michael Jay: It's, if you've got another business, you've got to focus on this. I appreciate your frankness and your directness and your, not everyone does. No. That's okay though. But that's an important lesson, right? That not everybody's our client. Not 

Nina: everybody is our client, right? And that's okay.

Nina: I am. That's okay. Not for everybody. 

Michael Jay: I'm not boutique fitness. I'm not buddies. I'm . 

Nina: I will tell you that I will always be very honest. 'cause if I can't help you. I will not work with you. I will not. I will find the person 

Michael Jay: who can help me. Exactly. That 

Nina: I will do, for sure. And the other thing is, and just everybody, some days I know [00:29:00] you need a hug and I will absolutely give you a big virtual hug.

Nina: Yeah. And some days you're gonna need a kick in the ass and I'll get in my car and I'll drive to your studio and I'll kick your ass. I 

Michael Jay: had one, one of my studio owners message me saying my husband thought you were bullying me.

Michael Jay: And I absolutely wasn't, but it was one of those situations like, you got to stand in your two shoes. I want you to stand in your two shoes as studio owner here. And yesterday I emailed a new studio that's opening and I messaged her on Instagram and I'm like, You're too quiet. Get louder. You've got to be screaming right now.

Michael Jay: I'm like, I'm on you. Your coach is 

Nina: watching. You are awesome. You are such an invaluable resource to this industry. Oh, thanks love. Like you, you are, I am so grateful. I am so grateful. That's, we met. I am, I just, 

Michael Jay: I'm gonna cry. Thank you. I'm gonna let you keep talking. [00:30:00] LAUGHS And then that's gonna get spliced into a reel that's gonna be regurgitated on Instagram.

Michael Jay: LAUGHS

Michael Jay: Speaking of which, you've been turning it up on the gram. 

Nina: You know what? I have an idea. And once I go, it is go time. 

Michael Jay: Yeah, so let's just talk about that a second, because I have studio owners that are so fearful of pointing themselves out there on, on social media, and you think, oh my God. Oh my, did you do a 30 

Nina: day thing?

Nina: I did. I did, yeah, for financial literacy month, I did a 30 day thing. Yeah. And my big thing is I believe in bite-size things so just even if I have you for five minutes, less than five minutes, and I can give you one little thing to do that will improve. Your life money wise, I want to do it. I want to do it.

Nina: So I'm debating. I'm debating putting it out to the universe. 

Michael Jay: Tell me 

Nina: [00:31:00] 500 of these. 500 what? 500, five minute bite-size things you can do. Go at your own speed. Go at your own speed, one a day, five minutes. That's your challenge. That's my challenge. Could I do 500 of these to 

Michael Jay: help people? Is that what you're doing right now or That's what I'm working on.

Michael Jay: Oh, okay. What number you are on . 

Nina: I haven't started yet because I don't know. I don't know if that's a good thing. But what did you do? I have no followers. I don't know if people are even seeing it. 

Michael Jay: What did the 30 days do for you? What did 30 days of consistency do for you? 

Nina: Social media wise, I definitely gained followers.

Nina: And here's the thing. Here's the thing for the people that aren't putting themselves out there, do it, just do it, just have fun with it, have fun with it. And because you don't realize who's looking. [00:32:00] You don't realize who's looking because I will tell you a pretty awesome thing was in those 30 days Someone who never liked one of my videos someone who never commented nothing like throw me an emoji people they recommended me to be a expert in this money study This Canadian money study for the financial industry.

Nina: Thank you. So I was contacted by the research company. Yeah. Met with them. Consistency, right? To talk about that. And the thing is that's someone I never knew was even seeing me on social media who recommended me. I say 

Michael Jay: that for studio owners too, is like. You just got to be consistent with it because it may take somebody four months of lurking you until you get the confidence to go and step into that studio.

Michael Jay: And that one post that goes, okay, I see myself there. Yes. 

Nina: Absolutely. And then the other thing for studio owners, [00:33:00] don't forget real life. Get out there. Yeah. Out there. Yeah. 

Michael Jay: It's a bad balance for sure. Yeah. 

Nina: Ah, meet who else is around you? Yeah. That's one thing that if I want to go for a walk around the block and meet co workers and.

Nina: people that I want to work with. I have no choice because I'm virtual. I have no choice really than to go on social media because that's the platform. But for brick and mortar studio owners, yes, absolutely. Get out there meet people in real life, put yourself out there, video yourself meeting these people in real life.

Nina: How fun is that? Like everybody I 

Michael Jay: love that. I get to I'm heading to California next week and just for a four week little vacation. And but I have a new client and I get to walk into the studio and. Say hi in person, everything has been over zoom. So I'm super [00:34:00] excited about that. Yeah. 

Nina: I am so excited when I meet people that I had met over zoom.

Michael Jay: I remember the first time we all met in person, we all met on zoom for three years, probably before, and then we went into COVID and it was, and then we all got to think it was San Diego. We got to all 

Nina: hug. There was like one, there was one event where I wasn't able to make it and then I just remember in the fall, like it was weird.

Nina: It was weird seeing everyone in 

Michael Jay: person again. Weird and wonderful. Hey, Nina. Tell me something about what people don't know about you. 

Nina: Something people don't know. I'm a very open book, but one thing you don't know is that I can make up silly songs on the spot. 

Michael Jay: On anything. Yoga Biz Camp go. 

Nina: Yoga Biz Camp with Michael J.

Nina: Come on everyone, time to play. He knows his stuff, you'll know your stuff. [00:35:00] Contact him if things get rough.

Nina: Just stuff like that. If you're in my kitchen, you get to see the dance. 

Michael Jay: No, you know that's gonna be a reel. It's gonna be my new podcast jingle.

Michael Jay: I love it. Oh, Nina, I love you. I love you. Tell me, tell, oh my god, that's too good. Tell me about...

Nina: That's one thing I will say. Anyone who works with me, one requirement everybody has, you have to be able to laugh. If you 

Michael Jay: cannot laugh, you are not my people. And jingles included, free in the program. Jingles included man, price of admission. She'll do one, she'll, free jingle for each yoga studio. That should be your Christmas gift.

Michael Jay: Everything. 

Nina: Everybody. You get a jingle! You get a jingle! 

Michael Jay: Favorite business app, or website, or tool, or what do you use? What's your go to? Oh! 

Nina: You actually introduced me [00:36:00] to Moxie. So I've been looking for a proxy. So thank you. You're welcome. Because once again, invaluable resource, Michael J. I know, I'm a geek.

Michael Jay: That's what's up Yeah, no, I am a software total geek. Oh, 

Nina: phenomenal. 

Michael Jay: It's phenomenal. So thank you. Don't buy an Apple device before you speak to me. I already know what's coming out next. By the way, next week is the new iPhone. I tell you, you are the go to, baby. Go to first. Don't buy a phone this week. Bye. Awesome. Yeah. So Moxie is a, it's like a CRM. It's a, it's for freelancers. It's a yeah, I manage all my clients and billings and yeah, I'm still learning it, but it's great. 

Nina: Yes. And then I have to also say that. Just having QuickBooks or some way to capture your financials. Yes. Personally, I like QuickBooks better than Xero.

Nina: I'm certified in both, so I know both. I just, what I need the software to do for my clients, I find it easier to do it in QuickBooks, 

Michael Jay: Yeah, and it's [00:37:00] funny, I just had that conversation with the new studio owners. It's what do we do? I'm like, set up QuickBooks, have a business only account, have a business only credit card, hook them up in there.

Michael Jay: Yeah. Get somebody to clean it up for you. If you don't like finances. 

Nina: No. But definitely there's tricks and stuff that can be set up. The other thing is tell your people that I can get them. 

Michael Jay: You tell 'em you're talking to em right 

Nina: now for a year. And it's not, and it's not an affiliate link.

Nina: That, so I don't make money off of it, but it's 30% off for a year of QuickBooks. And 

Michael Jay: then can we drop that into the, can we drop that link into the show notes? 

Nina: You know what I think? Or through you, the link. If it's a link, then it's only three months, but if it comes through me and I get your account going, then 

Michael Jay: alright, so folks, you're gonna, you 

Nina: did, you'll get a proper chart of accounts and you get, if I get your account going, I guarantee you will get a proper chart of accounts, not some QuickBooks junk that they drop in.

Nina: There you go as a default. Are 

Michael Jay: they gonna D dmm you where?[00:38:00] 

Nina: I am on Instagram. I am Nina underscore money gal. You can find me on LinkedIn Nina Israel. And then my website is Taryn, T A R Y N financial. com. 

Michael Jay: I'm not quite finished yet 

Nina: though. I'm telling you where to, how to reach me. If you want 

Michael Jay: this stuff.

Michael Jay: Do you want me to wrap 

Nina: this up? I'm not trying to wrap anything up. I could stay here all day 

Michael Jay: with you. Alright favorite personal app, website? 

Nina: Wordle? What? Oh, 

Michael Jay: Wordle. Okay yeah. There's a comment on, yeah. 

Nina: It's my thing, man. It's my thing. I've gotta, I've gotta keep my streak going. I love it. I love it.

Michael Jay: Keeps the brain going. 

Nina: Yeah, it makes me think. And I like it because I do it intuitively. I'm like, what do I think the word today is going to be? So sometimes I'm completely off. [00:39:00] Sometimes I'm like, close. 

Michael Jay: Hey, when does your program start? In October. So you're launching in October.

Michael Jay: Yes. Yes. And how do they get the information on that? Okay. Am I allowed to? I will link it. I will link it. No. And also we'll, you'll send me the links and I'll put it 

Nina: in. I will send you the links. I will send you the links. It'll be through my website that you can go in and. Erin Financial.

Nina: Erinfinancial. com. And there'll be waitlists to pre launch because. You don't want to get in early. You don't want to get in early for this. Because I will lock it down. Because I'm not looking for quantity. I'm looking for quality people that want to get in, do the work, learn, have fun, and just skyrocket.

Michael Jay: And to connect with you, DM Nina underscore money gal. On Instagram. Funny gal. And follow her. She is being consistent posting. She went from fear to [00:40:00] consistency, right? 

Nina: That's the goal. Get ready because more videos are coming. 

Michael Jay: I think you should be doing a jingle a day. Honestly. I think that would skyrocket your 

Nina: learning.

Nina: It's the easiest time to learn a KPI. You can do it. You just have to try. 

Michael Jay: Keep going. Oh. Let's, okay. Revenue retention. Sing us out of the podcast. Where should I look? Bye, I love you. Thank you for being on here and I want you to sing us out of the podcast. Go. 

Nina: Gotcha. Studio need a KPI.

Nina: You can do it. You just try. Revenue, retention, acquisition. We don't know. We don't know. There's a transition. Time to sign up and get your numbers. Oh gosh, that was very well thought out. Bye Nina. All right. Give me a cowl. That Nina money gal. [00:41:00] Thank you.